Hab vor kurzem die folgende Mail bezüglich GeoShrine bekommen, aber keine Zeit mir das genauer anzusehen.
Wenn jemand von euch Erfahrungen damit hat würd ich mich über die Infos bzw. vielleicht sogar einen kleinen Testbericht für gc.at freuen.
Dear sirs,
I would like to draw your attention to a new program that enables mobile phones to be used for ‘paperless gecaching’. It’s a sparetime project and it’s free. I was hoping that you would make an announcement on your site, and give your users the possibility to give it a try. If you like, you can use the text below or maybe even try it out yourself and give it a review.
TwoKAD software proudly presents GeoShrine! A program that makes your java-enabled mobile phone the perfect companion on geocaching field trips. No longer do you need to print piles of cache-descriptions that you may not even have time to visit. Just download them to your phone, and read them while on the road. GeoShrine brings you “paperless geocaching”.
GeoShrine is free and can be downloaded from
Best regards
Christian Hessenbruch
TwoKAD – State of the art software